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Upper Back Pain Relief in Toronto

back and nek pain at officeUpper back pain can severely affect your quality of life and long-term wellness. You need individual and targeted care that considers all possible causes of discomfort, stiffness, and immobility.

Toronto’s Katharine, with her specialty in osteopathic therapy, is the person for you to see as you fight to reclaim your health. At LiveWell Health and Wellness, we look up and down at your entire body to get an accurate diagnosis and build an effective care plan.

Finding the Source of Your Pain

Because of our expertise, we can see if your upper back pain stems from muscle strain, poor posture, or underlying conditions. Corrective therapy, exercises, and increased awareness of posture can be some of the ways we help you experience relief.

At LiveWell Health and Wellness it’s incredibly common to see patients dealing with concurrent upper back pain and neck pain. However, the ultimate source of these discomforts can be related to any region of the body, from the toes to the head. See us for a full-body examination and diagnosis of your needs.

Our Approach vs. Chiropractic Care for Upper Back Healing

While chiropractic works wonderfully for some, we hope to educate patients on the power of Osteopathy for natural healing, which comes with many advantages. We’re often able to spend more time with patients to fully understand their concerns and devise a care plan focused on their goals.

While chiropractors focus on spinal manipulations as their primary therapy tool, with osteopathy, we can go to all parts of the body to stimulate healing. This includes joints, muscles, connective tissue, and more.

We’re Here for As Long As You Need

There can be significant variability in the time frame of upper back pain relief. Some problems are chronic and degenerative, which means we need to work together on managing the issue indefinitely or over a period of time.

On the opposite end, Katharine has had patients come in for one therapeutic adjustment and walk out completely healed.

Take Steps Toward Your Healing Today

If you’re ready to improve your health, contact us today to book an appointment!


Upper Back Pain Relief Toronto, Yorkville, Bay and Bloor ON | (416) 700-3054